• Potatoes

    By purchasing potatoes from us, you are directly supporting the youth and farmers (mostly women) in the marginalized communities we are serving. In this project, we are working with farmers in Kiambu, Nyandarua and Narok Counties in Kenya who grow the crop in large quantities. This gives us the leverage to meet a steady supply of fresh, from the farm potatoes throughout the year, and at very affordable prices of only 4,500 shillings per 100kgs sack on wholesale. On the other hand, we run physical outlets in strategic locations along the coastal region of Kenya in Voi, Ukunda, Mombasa, Kilifi, Watamu and Malindi towns, where we are creating numerous job opportunities to the unemployed youth who assist us make timely, on-premise delivery to our customers wherever they are. Together, we are building a community around the Potato Value Chain which adds value to both the farmer and the buyer, at the same time creating job opportunities to the youth. You can extend your support by purchasing from us or investing in the project so that we can scale and touch more lives!

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